Christmas is approaching sooner rather than later. What’s better than having a house that everyone admires? 

Christmas decor doesn’t have to be premade or expensive. Take the time to follow these ideas and cherish the memories of making  them with your family. The DIY’s listed below won’t  take much money, or time to create. 

 Corkscrew Reindeer:

Materials that are needed to create this reindeer are corkscrews, and a hot glue gun. There is optional decor that you can add to your reindeer such as ribbons, and glitter. Instructions:

  1.  use the corkscrews and form them into the shape of the body. This should take about three corkscrews. 
  2. Hot glue the corkscrews into the shape of the body.
  3. Cut the corkscrews thinner to get the desired shape of the body. 

The estimated cost of this DIY is about $25.00 which includes purchasing; A hot glue gun, the corks, and additional decor. If you already have a hot glue gun then the estimated cost will be $15.00 dollars. If you just want the corks then the estimated price would just be $10.00

When you want to spice up the holiday spirit in the kitchen, all it takes is a little bit of ribbon. You use any color ribbon of your choice and fold it around the cabinets to make it look like a gift. It’s very unique and pleasing to look at. It takes only about 5-10 minutes to do your cabinets. The estimated cost is roughly $5.00. You can often find ribbon at the dollar store to make it cheaper. 

Basket Tree:

Using a small circular laundry basket, ten small, thin sticks, and two tinsel garlands to create a christmas tree. Instructions:

  1. Simply flip the open ended part of the basket to the floor 
  2. Super glue the sticks upward in a triangle shape. 
  3.  Wrap the tinsel circular around the sticks. While doing so, make sure to keep the tinsel close together to ensure that there are no holes. 
  4.  Add ornaments, stars, whatever you desire. 

Often, you can get all these materials at the dollar store making this an easy $10.00 project that doesn’t take long. 

Homemade Snow Globes:

Snow Globes are often expensive to buy. You can create your own for under $15.00. All you need is a mason jar, some fake snow, cute figurines, hot glue. 

  1.  Hot glue the items you want in the snow globe to the bottom of the cap facing upward into the jar. 
  2. Fill the jar with water and fake snow or confetti.
  3.  Place the lid on and tip the jar over, leaving the cap on the bottom of a surface. 

You often can get all these supplies at the dollar store for roughly $10.00. It’s a quick, simple diy that can add to your home. 

Out with the old, in with the new:

A DIY that has been gaining popularity lately is refurbishing your Thanksgiving pumpkins. All it takes is some white and orange paint, buttons, sticks and hot glue. 

  1. Paint the pumpkins white. 
  2. Then simply stack your pumpkins on top of eachother to make a snowman. To get it to stay use hot glue on each surface of the pumpkin. 
  3. Add the carrot nose, buttons, sticks all with hot glue. 

All these supplies are available at the dollar store for roughly a total of $10.00 including; the paintbrush, paint, buttons, and sticks. 

Sentimental Ornaments:

The most common DIY throughout the years is making ornaments. This is a simple, easy DIY and you can pick whatever ornament you want to create. All you have to do is find an inspiration picture and buy the supplies at the Dollar store. Prices vary depending on the inspiration you’re trying to create. Homemade, handcrafted ornaments are very beautiful and sentimental to many. 

So, if you’re looking for an affordable way to spice up your holiday, start off by creating your very own Christmas decor. 

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