Woodland’s Most – Wanted Gifts

It seems like every year it’s a struggle to figure out what to put on your Christmas wish list. As soon as Thanksgiving hits, all anyone can talk about is Christmas. Whether it’s when to start decorating, when to go shopping for presents, or when to start baking holiday treats, one issue that remains prevalent is how to figure out what to get for all the loved ones in your life.

 As trends change, so do our wishlists. The most challenging aspect of gift giving is that our interests change from year to year and finding gifts that your loved ones will like is hard. For example, Stanleys were all the rage last year, and were on practically every Christmas list. However, this year we see more Owalas. So, trying to find the perfect gifts for the people in your life can be quite the struggle. 

Each year for Christmas I feel gifts just keep getting more expensive. Younger and younger kids each year are asking for more expensive gifts. Like when I was ten, I wanted an American Girl Doll but ten-year-olds now want iPhones and makeup from Sephora. The gifts that the boys and girls from Woodland want are drastically different. 

According to the research I’ve done, the main thing on girls’ Christmas lists this year are clothes. More specifically, shoes and by shoes I mean Uggs. Uggs were, by far, the most popular answer by girls when asked what’s at the top of their wish lists this year. The main thing on boys Christmas lists this year are also clothes but mainly hoodies and sneakers. 

Other things that girls said but were not as popular of answers were new phones and/or ipads, makeup, and hair products as for the boys some other answers were legos, gym memberships, and sports equipment. 

“The biggest thing I want for Chrstmas this season are more hoodies and sweats because I want to be more comfortable this year, specifically White Fox matching sets,” says Senior, Kaltrina Ameti. 

Ameti only has one thing on her wishlist this year and it’s more comfy clothes. This seems to be a common theme in teenage girl gifts this holiday season.

It seems snowboarding has become more popular to Woodland boys this year. 

 “I want all new snowboarding gear because I will be going to Vermont five times this season,” says senior Matt Silva.

Fellow snowboarder, Tyler Patchkofsky says,

“ I really need new snow pants, ski goggles, gloves, and a hat.” 

Although this isn’t one of the most popular requests, many ski and snowboarding enthusiasts have these items on their wish list. 

Even though it’s hard trying to decide what items to add to your wishlist this holiday season, it’s just as hard to find the perfect gift for each important person in your life. Ultimately, the challenge of finding the perfect Christmas gift lies in the difficulty of choosing something meaningful and unique that truly reflects the tastes and needs of our loved ones.

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