Pumpkin Perfection: The Annual Decorating Contest

Every year Woodland holds a pumpkin contest where advisories decorate pumpkins based on a certain theme. Then judges are randomly selected to decide on a winner.

Ashtyn Genthe from Tanya Clark’s advisory did Family Guy pumpkins because each person was able to do their own character. Genthe thought it was difficult to find a good idea to use at the beginning and they had some challenges to overcome but overall she thought that this activity was very enjoyable. 

“I think our idea and painting went really well but next time I would definitely plan to take our time more so we aren’t rushed at the end,” said Genthe.

“Our advisory worked very well together and were able to build off of other people’s ideas which benefited our final product,” said DiBona.

Though both Ashtyn Genthe’s advisory and Lila Dibona’s advisory didn’t place in the top three for their pumpkin, they both thought that this activity was a  great way to show teamwork and bring their advisors to work together. Therefore, the contest should be continued throughout the years.

Furthermore, the winners of the Advisory Annual Pumpkin Contest are, in 3rd place is Christina MacSweeney’s advisory with the Elvis pumpkin, 2nd place is Jodie D’alexander’s advisory with Bob Ross, and the winner of the 2024 Annual Woodland Advisory Pumpkin Contest is Jillian Jackman’s advisory with the KISS Pumpkins.

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