Student Senate Visits State Senate

Every September for the past six years, the Connecticut Association of Student Council’s President Symposium has come together with all the student councils in the state. This year Woodland was in attendance. 

When the councils come together, they introduce their programs and what activities they will be with their schools for the year. It is also an opportunity for all the Presidents of the Student Governments to come together and learn about what the association will be doing this year. Each time they meet, new ideas are brought to the table in hopes that each one of the councils can bring something unique back to their school. 

“I hope I can bring back ideas for new events to do at Woodland, or ideas to improve our own events,” said Student Body President Kassie Bailey. 

This year the convention was held at the Old State House in Hartford, however the location changes every year and in past years it has even been virtual. At the convention, the councils will be learning about the district wide service program and what things the program will be doing. 

“We’re going to be learning about the opportunities associated with the programs, and what they are offering specifically,” said Christopher Tomlin, Student Government Advisor. 

This year, it is particularly special because the Secretary of State for Connecticut will be coming to speak and will be doing a question and answer session with students about a variety of topics. One topic that Bailey hopes to learn more about is how the actual government works and what things they are working on right now. 

“I hope to learn a lot from her [the secretary state] and how our government works at a state level,” said Bailey. 

Tomlin is also looking forward to bringing new ideas back to Woodland, specifically ideas for events like homecoming and spirit week. 

“Every school is doing homecoming and spirit week right now,” Tomlin said. “So if there’s something that we can pick up from somebody that can have an immediate impact right now, that would be cool.” 

Overall it is an opportunity for Student Government to learn about what other councils from around the state are doing, bring new ideas back to Woodland, and improve their program as a whole. “I’m really excited for the trip, and it is a really great opportunity for us,” said Bailey. 

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